7 Steps to Develop a High-Performing Team
What prevents your team from achieving its potential?
What prevents you, as a people manager, from achieving your own?
The Little Handbook of Good Management offers a simple and effective 7-step process based on years of experience and positive feedback.
Whether you are a first-time manager or an experienced one, in a traditionally hierarchical organisation or in a project-based or Agile structure, this book will help you learn and apply a set of skills to develop yourself and your team and collectively achieve high performance. Packed with useful insight and advice, illustrations and sketch-notes, this is the easy-to-read management handbook you’ve been waiting for.
With a foreword by Yves Francis, Affiliate Professor HEC Liège & IESEG Paris, former Managing Partner – CEO, Deloitte Luxembourg
Text and illustrations by Lesley Price, sketch-notes by Alexandre Claus
Cover and interior design by Andy Meaden / meadencreative.com